Grate cucumber and place in clean dish cloth. Squeeze out as much water as you can from the cucumber and place the squeezed out in a bowl. Discard the cucumber water.
Add the rest of tzatziki ingredients into the bowl with cucumber, mix well, adjust seasoning if necessary, and place in the fridge until your sliders are ready.
Make your sliders
In a cast iron, non-stick pan or frying pan, place on the stove on medium to high heat.
Add a tablespoon of neutral oil once your pan is heated and add your wagyu sliders.You want your pan to be hot to get a nice sear on your sliders.
Season sliders with salt once they hit the pan and on the other side after flipping.
Cook sliders for about 3-4 minutes per side depending on the doneness you want.
To serve, take your pita, add tatziki to the pita, place two hot sliders in your pita, and add lettuce, fresh dill if you would like, sliced tomato and sliced red onion. Repeat with a second pita.
Serve hot and enjoy! You can store tzatziki in the fridge for up to 4 days.