In a medium bottom pot on medium heat, add your oil and sliced onion and fry for about 3 minutes.
Add your diced peppers, pimento and scotch bonnet, sauté for an additional 2 minutes. Your onion and peppers should start browning
Add your minced garlic and sautee for about 1 minute.
Add your dry seasoning, curry powder, duck and goat curry powder, turmeric, cumin and black pepper ad turn your heat down to low-medium.
Fry until the curry deepens in colour slightly and smells aromatic but is not burning. The oil should start visibly separating.
Add about 2 cups fo water, and let simmer, stirring periodically so it does not burn.
After about 5-8 minutes, it should thicken and reduce.
When your curry mixture has thickened, add your marinated chicken and all the green seasoning marinade in the bowl.
Cover with your lid and let simmer for about 10 minutes.
Add your large diced potatoes, stir to make sure it is not burning and let summer for an additional 10 minutes. Check at the 5 minute mark to make sure it is not burning.
Pour over 2-3 more cups of water over your chicken, cover and let cook for an additional 15-20 minutes until your chicken is cooked and potatoes are tender and can be easily pierced with a fork.
As potatoes cook, though you want to stir occasionally to prevent burning, Becareful not to break apart potatoes too much in your curry.
Uncover and let simmer for an additional 10 minutes to thicken your curry. If there is too much water, you may have to simmer for longer to thicken curry, if there is too little water, add water as necessary to prevent burning and to make sure the end result has enough sauce to eat your roti or rice with.
You can cook till desired consistency, I like mine slightly thicker but be mindful that it will thicken further when it is cooled.
Serve with your favourite roti or rice and enjoy!