Wash your goat with lime and water (if this is your cooking practice)
Season your goat generously with salt and let site for about 30 minutes
In a heavy bottom pan on medium heat, add your oil.
Add your goat and brown. if you pan is too crowded, you can brown in batches and return your goat to the pan.
Cover for goat and let simmer in its own juices for 15 minutes on low heat.
After 15 minutes, add your sliced onion, mix well and cover and let simmer for 5 minutes on low heat.
Next, add your garlic, ginger and hot pepper and mix in well.
Cover your goat again and let simmer for an addition 15 minutes on low heat. Goat can be tough so a lot of simmering is needed to get a perfectly tender goat.
Add all your dry spices and herbs and mix well.
Add your diced tomatoes and mix well.
Cover your goat and let simmer for 15 minutes on low. You may have to check periodically to store so it does not burn.
After 15 minutes, add about 2 cups of water and let your goat simmer, covered (with your lid placed slight off so heat can escape) on low heat.
Simmer for an additional 15 - 30 minutes, adding water as needed until your goat is tender.
Finally, add your diced bell peppers, cover and simmer for 10 minutes until peppers are cooked and wilted and goat meat 'drys out'. The goat should have very little liquid. You may want to simmer without a lid if your goat has a lot of liquid.
The end result should be tender pieces of goat, in a thick, flavourful sauce and visible pieces of bell peppers.
Set aside until ready to serve.