Place scotch bonnet and ginger into blender. Blend until smooth add 1-2 tabspoons of water to help with this.
Add your peeled ripe plantain to blender and blend until smooth and combined.
Pour blended plantain into bowl, add salt, add flour and mix well.
In a shallow frying pan, add enough vegetable oil to come up about half way into the pan. Heat oil on medium heat.
Use a spoon to scoop a large tablespoon full of batter into hot oil, watching so it does not burn and flipping so it browns and cooks on both sides.
depending on how large you scoop the kaklo cooking time will vary but I always suggest testing one kaklo in your oil before frying all of your batter.
After you have fried all your batter, drain on paper towel and serve with bean stew.
Top your bean stew with gari if you like.