In a dutch oven add about 5 cups of oil, or enough oil so that it at least 4 inches form the bottom of your pot. Heat your oil to 325-350 degrees.
In a bowl, mix all the ingredients for your chicken coating and set aside.
Remove your chicken from the fridge and take it from the marinade/brine, add your coating, shake off extra coating, return tot he brine once again briefly, and back into the dry coating. Use your hands to really pat on the flour to properly coat each piece. Set side your coated pieces of chicken on a rack while the oil heats.
Once your oil is heated, carefully test a single piece of chicken in the oil. it should bubbled when placed in and not brown too fast.
Since these are boneless they take shorter to cook but cook time will depend on how big you cut it. For popcorn chicken it should take about 5 minutes. For Bigger pieces cook for about 3-4 minutes per side.. The chicken should be golden brown when you take it out. If you are at all nervous about it being underdone, you can make in your oven at about 375 degrees for 10 minutes. It is better to cook thorough in the oil because placing your chicken in the oven after it has been fried may affect the coating.
When all your chicken it cooked, place in a bowl or on your serving plate and drizzle your fish sauce caramel on your chicken to coat. Serve hot!