In a medium to heavy bottom frying pan, add your oil, add your diced onions and sautee for about 3 minutes stirring constantly on medium heat so it does not burn.
Add your minced garlic and stir for about 30 seconds.
Add your curry powder, cumin powder and turmeric. Fry stirring constantly. It will stick to the pan but this is okay. Just used a wooden spoon to scrape up the curry. fry for about 2 minutes.
Add your green onions, diced tomato and diced hot pepper. If adding whole hot pepper, add when you add potatoes into the pan.
Pout about 1/2 cup of water to the pan and scrape the Cury off the bottom of your pan and cook on low to medium heat until the water has evaporated and it is dry again.
Add about 1/2 cup of water yet again, and add your chopped potatoes. Top with enough water so potatoes can cook and become tender. Season with a small pinch of salt here and add your thyme. Mix well and cover with a lid and reduce heat to simmer so potatoes can cook. Take a look periodically to make sure it is not burning and to make sure the water is not evaporating too fast. it should be saucy around your potatoes not dry.
After about 10 minutes, perhaps 15 minutes depending on how large you cut your potatoes, your potatoes should be tender.
Take your marinated shrimp and mix them into your curried potato mixture, add more water as needed to simmer the shrimp but it is crucial you do not add too much water here. The shrimp takes max, 5 minutes to cook and this is not enough time to allow a lot of water to cook off.
Taste and adjust for seasoning if necessary. Typically I don't add too much salt because remember we seasoned the shrimp.
Mix in your chopped cilantro and serve hot with rice, roti, and veggie sides of your choice. I served this with pumpkin and bodi (green beans)