For the Rolex I used my Trini Buss up Shut recipe with a simple omelette recipe.

Ugandan Rolex
- 3 cups all purpose flour
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- 2 teaspoons baking powder
- 1 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1 tablespoon ghee butter or oil
- 1 1/4 cup warm water or slightly more
- 1/3 cup ghee butter or oil for layering buss up shut/paratha
- 1/4 cup ghee butter or oil for basting buss up shut/paratha
- onion chopped
- red pepper chopped
- green pepper chopped
- cilantro chopped
- salt to taste
- papper to taste
- n a large bowl mix together the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt.
- Then make a well then add oil, followed by warm water, knead dough for about 1 minute to form soft and sticky dough. You can cover and optionally let your dough rest for 10 minutes before proceeding.
- Divide dough into 6 equal pieces. Set aside, covered with a drab kitchen towel and let it rest for 30 minutes
- The resting of the dough helps to relax the gluten and make it not only easier to work with but also produces tender paratha.
- Place each one piece on a heavily floured board and roll out dough into a circle. They do not have to be perfect circles.
- Using your fingers or knife rub butter (about a tablespoon) on the surface of the dough, lightly sprinkle with flour.
- Using a knife make a cut from the centre of the dough to the outside. Roll dough clockwise to form a cone.
- Push cone tip inwards. Place in an oil pan and cover with damp cloth. Repeat this process for other 5 pieces of dough. Oil each piece to prevent dough from drying out and let rest for about 2 hours or more covered in the fridge.
- When ready to cook, heat up griddle, crepe pan or cast iron to medium heat. Gently flatten out each cone and roll out. Begin rolling out the dough from the centre working outwards.
- Rotate the dough out each time you roll it. Try and aim for about 10 inch circles, make sure they are thin at the edges. Gently place dough on the griddle, I used a large frying pan, but a skillet will work as well.
- Heavily oil the other side of the dough making sure you oil the edges too. Cook until tiny bubbles / air pockets appear on the top of the roti, then flip dough.
- Making the ‘torn up shirt’ look can be achieved in several ways crush paratha with two spatulas while still on the griddle. Essentially squish the paratha so the flakes become visible.
- Set aside until you make the omelette
Make Rolex
- In a small bowl crack two eggs and add toppings and seasonings to taste
- In a frying pan add a little bit of oil and on low to medium heat fry your egg
- Fry until you can tell the bottom is very well cooked and the top starts to set a bit.
- Place your roti on top of your egg and carefully flip so the roti is at the bottom.
- Make sure the egg is cooked and flip the roti and egg out of the pan. The egg should have essentially finished cooking with the roti on top so they should be fused together.
- Carefully roll up your roti and egg into a roll and enjoy.