Loco Moco is a delicious contemporary Hawaiian meal made of three layers: rice and a hamburger patty smothered in delicious gravy, and topped with a fried egg. It was actually invented in 1949. A waiter at Lincoln Grill restaurants in Hilo, Hawaii, served rice, beef and gravy to a group of boys who asked to be served something they could afford. It is now eaten throughout America.
This dish is filling, easy to make, and extremely delicious. It is a Japanese influenced Hawaiian dish that just screams comfort. Loco Moco has many variations including the use of bacon, ham, spam, tofu or even fish like mahi-mahi or other meats. The delicious savoury gravy can sometimes be spruced up with the addition of caramelised onion or mushroom for extra added depth of flavour and texture. This Hawaiian comfort food is just what you have been missing from your recipe roster.
This was a campaign in collaboration with Egg.ca!
The full recipe with detailed instructions can be found at their website.
Check out their website for all the recipe I created for this campaign and more delicious egg recipes like this one, because eggs are absolutely not just for breakfast.